A key mission from the very beginning was to develop the former Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials (EAM, 2007-2019) not only as nucleus and driving force for future research in fundamental and applied aspects of advanced materials and processes, but also as spearhead for innovation and most relevant future-oriented research. This highly ambitious goal will be promoted by the FAU Profile Center New Materials and Processes (FAU NMP).
Backbone of these high ambitions is the FAU Competence Center EAM, which serves as a sustainable platform to provide cross-sectional research, methodology development, high-end infrastructure, and expertise, as well as more than a decade of experience in the successful support of research initiatives.
Profile Centers shape the research profile of FAU with a wide range of cutting-edge research projects. An overview of all FAU profile, research and competence centers can be found on the FAU Research profile website.
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