FAU Profile Center New Materials and Processes (FAU NMP) is proud to join the LinkedIn network of FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/fau-nmp/
Patchy colloids are particles that interact with preferred binding angles. We have developed a new Phase Field Crystal Model that can be used to predict the complex phases that occur…
FAU chemists conduct research into novel approach of using an organic module for storing solar energy Until now, the generation and storage of electricity from solar energy has been dependent…
Our research covers electron acceleration with nanophotonic structures powered by laser light. We just demonstrated a scalable nanophotonic electron accelerator on a chip with a substantial energy increase of 43%…
At the 35th German Zeolite Conference, the Klaus-Unger Prize was awarded for the first time to outstanding personalities who have rendered outstanding services to research into porous materials for the…
Welcome to the newses FAU NMP member Prof. Dr. Bastian Etzold Professor Bastian Etzold was appointed to the Chair of Power to X Technology at FAU in August 2023. Etzold…
This image illustrates the crack pattern that emerges as a suspension dries. The system consists of interconnected particles held together by capillary bridges, which, upon evaporation, result in the formation…
FAU beteiligt sich an Wasserstoff-Technologie-Projekt zu emissionsfreien Antriebstechnologien in Deutschland Die FAU ist am Wasserstoff-Technologie-Anwenderzentrum (WTAZ) beteiligt, das in Pfeffenhausen im Süden Bayerns entsteht und gerade in die Umsetzungsphase startet.…
Chemikerinnen und Chemiker der FAU wollen die Grenzen organischer Fotovoltaik erweitern. (Bild: shutterstock) Neues Molekül-Design für mehr Solarpower Mit optimierten kohlenstoffreichen Molekülen wollen Chemikerinnen und Chemiker der FAU die Grenzen…
One of the central goals in the PULS group is the knowledge-based design of new selective and highly-active catalytic systems. To achieve this goal, we utilize state of the art…