
FAU Profile Center New Materials and Processes brings together more than 80 Members from 9 disciplines of FAU Faculties of Engineering, Sciences and Medicine.

FAU NMP is managed by an Executive Board with a team of four Spokespersons– two from each Faculty involved – with one elected main Coordinator (rotation principle). Each coordinator is responsible for one of the following areas: Methods and Competences, People & Graduate School, Coordinated Research Projects (CRCs, RTGs, RUs) and Research Initiatives (EXC). Additional members of the joint executive board are: one representative for FAU EAM Units, one representative of research projects, the Speaker of the Graduate School EAM, one representative of academic mid-level staff, and one representative for gender & diversity.

The highly effective professional FAU NMP Administration supports the Executive Board by taking care of the general management, explicitly research and financial issues, event organization, networking activities, public outreach, construction management, recruitment and personnel development.

Prof. Dr. Peter Wasserscheid

Representative Major Research Projects

Prof. Dr. Julien Bachmann

Representative FAU EAM Units

Prof. Dr. Janina Maultzsch

Spokesperson Graduate School EAM

Prof. Robin N. Klupp Taylor, MEng, DPhil (Oxon)

Co-Spokesperson Graduate School EAM

Prof. Dr. Sabine Maier

Representative Gender & Diversity

Dr. Lukas Pflug

Representative Academic Mid-Level Staff

Ina Viebach

Managing Director FAU EAM / FAU NMP

Michael Hartmann

Administration CRC1411 / FAU NMP

Angelika Mach

Administration FAU EAM / FAU NMP